Using ALM from python

ALM’s python module can be made following this page.

The job of ALM is to select force constants elements among all possible elements for atoms in a supercell and then ALM fits relations between displacements and forces to those force constants elements. The selection of the force constants elements is done by the order of force constants, force constants symmetry, user-input cutoff distances, and maybe LASSO regression analysis. In the following, how to use ALM is presented step by step.


ALM class instance is made by context manager as follows:

from alm import ALM

with ALM(lavec, xcoord, numbers) as alm:

lavec, xcoord, and numbers are the essential parameters and are the basis vectors, fractional coordinates of atoms, and atomic numbers, respectively. lavec is the \(3 \times 3\) matrix and \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) basis vectors are given as the row vectors, i.e.,

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} a_x & a_y & a_z \\ b_x & b_y & b_z \\ c_x & c_y & c_z \end{pmatrix}.\end{split}\]

xcoord is the \(n\times 3\) matrix. Each row gives the point coordinates of the atom. numbers is a list of integer numbers.

Dataset: displacements and forces

ALM requires a dataset composed of sets of pairs of atomic displacements from the input crystal structure and forces due to the displacements.

Because there should be many supercells with different configurations of displacements, the array shape of the displacement data is (number of supercells, number of atoms, 3). The array shape of forces is the same as that of the displadements.

For example, the file format of datasets for ALM commandline interface (DFSET) can be easily tranformed to the displacements and forces by

dfset = np.loadtxt("DFSET").reshape((-1, number_of_atoms, 6))
displacements = dfset[:, :, :3]
forces = dfset[:, :, 3:]

These data are set to ALM by

from alm import ALM

with ALM(lavec, xcoord, numbers) as alm:
    alm.displacements = displacements
    alm.forces = forces

Selection of force constants elements

The basis force constants selection is performed by

alm.define(maxorder, cutoff_radii, nbody)

maxorder = 1 for only harmonic (2nd-order) force constants, and maxorder = 2 for 2nd- and 3rd-order force constants, and so on, i.e. up to (n+1)th order force constants are included in the consideration with maxorder=n. cutoff_radii controls how far the atomic pairs are searched to select force constants elements. nbody is used to limit interaction of atoms. The details meanings are found in “&interaction”-field for maxorder and nbody and in “&cutoff”-field for cutoff_radii.

Force constants calculation

Force constants are calculated by fitting dataset of displacements and forces to the force constants elements selected by


There are two solvers, which are chosen either by solver='dense' (default) or solver='SimplicialLDLT' as the keyword argument.

Extraction of force constants values

The calculated force constants elements are stored in ALM intance in the ALM’s manner. They are extracted by

alm.get_fc(fc_order, mode)

By fc_order=n, (n+1)th order force constants are extracted. mode chooses the format of force constants. There are three modes, but two of them are important, which are all and origin. By mode=all, all elements of force constants are returned except for the elements whose values are 0. With mode=origin, the first atomic indices of force constants are limited for only those in the primitive cell.

LASSO and elastic net regression

As shown in “&optimize”-field, ALM has a functionality to compute force constants using LASSO and elestic net regression. This feature is accessed from ALM python module such as by

optcontrol = {'linear_model': 2,
              'cross_validation': 4,
              'num_l1_alpha': 50}
alm.optimizer_control = optcontrol

The controllable parameters and their variable types are listed as follows:

optimizer_control_data_types = OrderedDict([
    ('linear_model', int),                         # LMODEL
    ('use_sparse_solver', int),                    # '=1' equivalent to SimplicialLDLT
    ('maxnum_iteration', int),                     # MAXITER
    ('tolerance_iteration', float),                # CONV_TOL
    ('output_frequency', int),                     # NWRITE
    ('standardize', int),                          # STANDARDIZE
    ('displacement_normalization_factor', float),  # ENET_DNORM
    ('debiase_after_l1opt', int),                  # DEBIAS_OLS
    ('cross_validation', int),                     # CV
    ('l1_alpha', float),                           # L1_ALPHA
    ('l1_alpha_min', float),                       # CV_MINALPHA
    ('l1_alpha_max', float),                       # CV_MAXALPHA
    ('num_l1_alpha', int),                         # CV_NALPHA
    ('l1_ratio', float),                           # L1_RATIO
    ('save_solution_path', int)])                  # SOLUTION_PATH

Wrap-up and example

Some examples are found in example directory.

The following python script is an example to computer 2nd and 3rd order force constants by ordinary least square fitting. Let’s assume the crystal is wurtzite-type AlN as found in the example directory. For the 2nd order, no cutoff radii are used, but for the 3rd order, cutoff radii of 4 Angstrom is chosen between all pairs of atoms (Al-Al, Al-N, N-N). The fitting is achieved by using lapack SVD solver. Be sure that the memory usage is ~1.6GB and the whole calculation takes a few minutes, depending on computers though.

import h5py
import numpy as np
from alm import ALM

with open("POSCAR_AlN") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
[lines.pop(0) for i in range(2)]
[lines.pop(3) for i in range(3)]
vals = np.array([np.fromstring(l, dtype='double', sep=' ') for l in lines])
lavec = vals[:3]
xcoord = vals[3:]
numbers = [13, ] * 36 + [7, ] * 36
natom = len(numbers)

dfset = np.loadtxt("DFSET_AlN").reshape((-1, natom, 6))
displacements = dfset[:, :, :3]
forces = dfset[:, :, 3:]

cutoff_radii = [np.ones((2, 2)) * -1, np.ones((2, 2)) * 4]

with ALM(lavec, xcoord, numbers, verbosity=1) as alm:
    alm.displacements = displacements
    alm.forces = forces
    alm.define(2, cutoff_radii=cutoff_radii)

    fc2 = np.zeros((natom, natom, 3, 3), dtype='double', order='C')
    fc3 = np.zeros((natom, natom, natom, 3, 3, 3), dtype='double', order='C')
    for fc, indices in zip(*alm.get_fc(1, mode='all')):
        v1, v2 = indices // 3
        c1, c2 = indices % 3
        fc2[v1, v2, c1, c2] = fc
    for fc, indices in zip(*alm.get_fc(2, mode='all')):
        v1, v2, v3 = indices // 3
        c1, c2, c3 = indices % 3
        fc3[v1, v2, v3, c1, c2, c3] = fc
    with h5py.File('fc.hdf5', 'w') as w:
        w.create_dataset('fc2', data=fc2, compression='gzip')
        w.create_dataset('fc3', data=fc3, compression='gzip')